Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Goodbye 2014

Hello everyone! And goodbye 2014!



I have to admit it, I am a New Year's Resolution sort of girl. I like to sit down and write out stuff I would like to achieve and improve and learn and them I have given up on it all by about mid February.

My problem (I think) is that I am indecisive and can't choose just one think to focus on. My attention won't concentrate on just one topic and I get bored doing just one thing. And therefore, I overwhelm my mind and quit.

I also set silly goals that I think I should set, or that I want to do, but that I don't really want to do. Just stuff that I think I should do.


For 2014, I decided to have a change. Instead of "resolutions" I just sat down and wrote a huge list of things I wanted to do. And then I tried to chunk them into monthly lists. I did really well in January. I did pretty much everything I picked off the big list. Admittedly, a lot of them were small things. And it was a VERY big list. Too long. I think by the time I finished it was something like 147 things.

I am not going to share it all, that would be silly. And also, I don't want to really. But looking through it now, I think I managed about 28. Not very good.


It has been an incredible year and I achieved so much that wasn't on that list.

So very much.


So for 2015, I will be making another list. But it won't be that long. (I hope!) and I will try really hard to focus it on achievable things that I actually want or need to do.

But if I don't do it, that's okay. Because I'm sure I will do many more things I couldn't even begin to think of to write on that list.


Perhaps, I will share a few of my 2015 goals on here and my progress on achieving them.

If you have anything you want to achieve let me know! I am nosey and apparently sharing goals is one of the best ways to ensure success? Let's all make 2015 a year of achieving things and getting stuff done.


Love Charlotte xx


Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Christmas Traditions (Blogmas Day 24)

I'm sure all families have Christmas Traditions. And I am sure they are all different.

For Christmas Eve I would like to share a few of ours.


Holly in the mirror

When my mum was little, her mum (my granny) always used to stick a sprig of holly in this mirror. Now we have it we have carried on the tradition.


Festive Chicken

My mum hates Festive Chicken. My dad found him in a car park and for the last few years we have taken to hiding it in the tree. Much to my mum's annoyance. We try to claim it's a tradition she maintains it isn't.

But it is.


Fire Sausages

Also for the last few years, we have cooked sausages on the fire as our Christmas Eve tea. It's very exciting and makes for very good sausage sandwiches.


I would love to hear about any other Christmas traditions people follow. It wouldn't be Christmas without ours.


Love Charlotte xx


Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Broken up for for Christmas!!! (Blogmas Day 23)

Woooooooo hoooooooooo!!!!!!!!!


Broken up for Christmas. That is a whole 12 days before I have to be back at work again! I cannot remember the last time I was off for that long. I am SERIOUSLY excited.

I am planning a relative lie in for the morning. I say relative. I have to get to get up to do a couple of bits and bobs but I won't have to get up until at least... Um... 7.30? 8? And then maybe I can go back to bed for a nap!

Oh I am so rock and roll.

So rock and roll in fact that today I feel the need to share with you the epic-ness that was my office's FUDDLE!

Seriously, check that out.

It has a flipping cheese board! On an actual bamboo chopping board!

And a whole roast chicken!

And, of course my contribution of homemade lime and coconut cake.


We went for fruit and crudités over boxes of chocolates and biscuits. But what else would you expect from a fuddle where 50% of the contributors were teetotal at the work Christmas do where the free wine was running freely.

And it was a jolly nice time. We all really enjoyed the sharing atmosphere and it definitely helped the last day go much more pleasantly than previous last days.

I am going to suggest we make the fuddle a much more regular thing. It was fun and it would be nice to have something to look forward to more often.


I want 2015 to be the year of the fuddle.


Love Charlotte xx



Monday, 22 December 2014

Robbie Williams and Cake.

So today was the 'enforced fun' afternoon at work.

What I mean by this, is we had our company Christmas do. Which involved a tasty meal, a raffle and a Robbie Williams tribute act. Oh and a 'festive disco' but I snuck out before that.

I was mainly concerned for the tribute act to be honest. I don't do well in loud gig type environments and you can never be sure with a tribute whether you're getting someone taking it seriously or someone in it for comedy value.

Fortunately, our guy was a nice is of the two. He was funny but could hold a tune. And he had some hugh quality sparkly jackets. Jackets that could be rivalled by no one else!

So... We had the meal: root veg soup, pumpkin ravioli and chocolate sponge-no I am not a vegetarian, they just sounded the tastiest and boy they were. Especially the ravioli.

Then the raffle... I didn't win.

Then Robbie.

And then sneaking off for the earliest train home I've taken in months!


Two trips to Sainsburys later (I forgot to get the pastry the first time) I ended my day by doing my baking for tomorrow. The last day at work fuddle. Christmas gift Sausage rolls and a cake. No I haven't iced it yet.

This wasn't a very joined up blog post but then again, it wasn't a very joined up day.


Only 3 sleeps to go!

Love Charlotte xx


Sunday, 21 December 2014

Christmas Present Swap (Blogmas Day 21)

Happy Shortest Day Of The Year!


Yesterday I did my Christmas present swap with my friends. An annual tradition which varies between a not so secret Santa, everyone getting everyone a gift and this year, 1 big (ish) present each and 2 little ones.

We seemed to go down the handmade route though which lead to headaches for almost everyone. In fact at 4 IOUs were given and I was 20 minutes away from having to write out a 5th. Talk about cutting it fine.


Presents that were owed were personalised stories featuring the recipient and a crocheted bag. I spent the entirety of Saturday frantically wrapping cardboard letters in wool and sewing knitted flowers together. While fighting a cold that has full on smacked me down today. I was in such a rush that I completely forget to take any photos. If I can get the recipients to take some for me I will eventually share them but it may be that you never get to see them. Shame.


So to the evening itself, first we focus on food. And how do you celebrate Christmas? By over ordering at the Chinese takeaway of course. Clearly at this point in the evening I was still on the ball enough to remember I was going to write this.


Wow. Chinese takeaway looks pretty unappetising as a photo. But I assure it was delicious!


Then we moved onto presents. Apparently Christmas has removed any ability to plan blog posts properly because not only did I forget to take photos of what I gave, I have stashed everything I got under the tree at home and I can't be bothered grovelling about to take photos now. Oops.


Things recieved were a Minion biscuit tin, books, choccies, a bath tea bag a customised file and an Olaf mug. A very good set all round I think, and there's a story and a bag to come later on! Woohoo.

But the presents weren't the highlight. It was just nice to spend a good 5 off hours with my best friends. Now we are grown ups (some of us further into being grown ups than others) it is harder to get together. And I think a sign of true friendship and excellent hospitality is when you turn up at a friends fighting off a cold as well as offering tea, coffee, soft drinks and booze, your friend also makes you a lemsip.


It is almost Christmas, so soon you won't have to read this drivel! Haha.

4 more sleeps!

Love Charlotte xx



Saturday, 20 December 2014

A Christmas Prequel (Blogmas Day 20)

As it is almost day 21 there isn't much time for a blog today, spno surprise there, I have been rubbish at this let's face it.


So instead here is a prequel of tomorrow.


Chinese foods.

Nifty artwork ideas.

True hospitality.

Lack of Christmas Present in exchange for funny story,

The reason my mum will be cross with me.

Forgetting to take photos, sorry.


I am full of cold and frankly shattered after a non-stop week so night night all.

Love Charlotte xx

Friday, 19 December 2014

James and the Giant Peach (Blogmas Day 19)

I have been fortunate enough to see several shows this year, but I think tonight has topped them all.


Tonight I saw James and the Giant Peach and it was incredible.



Limited cast played a multitude of characters and a beautifully simple set was used to tremendous effect.

Who new you could make seagulls from flippers and rhinoceroses and sharks from saws?

That you could inflate and deflate a balloon to make scrumptious peach flesh?

That 70s fashion could look so amazing on a spider?

And that earthworms were so funny?

The cast not only acted (obviously), and sang but played their own instruments. The music was amazing the characters were lovable (or comically hate-able in terms of Spiker and Sponge) and if there is a giant inflatable peach being bounced around the audience then what's not to love!?

James was superb. His energy was boundless and infectious. I wish I could describe it better but I can't. All I know is I haven't smiled for that long in a jolly good while.

If you want a taster, this is the trailer.


Definitely the best thing this year. The best.


Love Charlotte xx

Thursday, 18 December 2014

It's too late (Blogmas day 18)

It's too late.

So you are getting another very lazy blog I am afraid as Bligmas takes a back seat to actual Christmas and present making.


The low point of today was being made to feel like I couldn't do my job.

Followed by a middle-ing point of being welcomed to hide out in the IT office during my lunch break so no one asked me if I was alright. I wasn't and it was obvious.

The high point had to be swapping my first Christmas Present with Surrogate Rose.

But other excellent points included:

  • Seeing an old friend I hadn't seen for years and years... In Sainsbury's of all places.
  • Not knowing what the boy has got me and the Surrogates for Christmas when they do. It sounds exciting.
  • Finishing 1/3 of someone's Christmas pressie.

So overall, the good outweighs the bad.


As, it probably almost always does if I really try and make it that way.



Short and sweet.

Love Charlotte xx


It's too late (Blogmas day 18)

It's too late.

So you are getting another very lazy blog I am afraid as Bligmas takes a back seat to actual Christmas and present making.


The low point of today was being made to feel like I couldn't do my job.

Followed by a middle-ing point of being welcomed to hide out in the IT office during my lunch break so no one asked me if I was alright. I wasn't and it was obvious.

The high point had to be swapping my first Christmas Present with Surrogate Rose.

But other excellent points included:

  • Seeing an old friend I hadn't seen for years and years... In Sainsbury's of all places.
  • Not knowing what the boy has got me and the Surrogates for Christmas when they do. It sounds exciting.
  • Finishing 1/3 of someone's Christmas pressie.

So overall, the good outweighs the bad.


As, it probably almost always does if I really try and make it that way.



Short and sweet.

Love Charlotte xx


Wednesday, 17 December 2014

From despair to delight (Blogmas day 17)

If you read yesterday's blog, you might have realised thinsg weren't going super well over in Chez Charlotte. I was overwhelmed, tired and demotivated by the uphill struggle I was facing in the run up to Christmas.


I didn't we up feeling much better. After an uneasy night's sleep, involving nightmare of such intensity I woke up crying I dragged my sorry self out of bed feeling frankly rotten. And I continued in this fashion until about 11.30am. When I finally just about came round. I was still tired but at least I had gotten over the lethargy.


At lunchtime I achieved a thing. I can't say what incase someone reads this but I needed to tick it off my list. And doing that really helped me feel more positive.


I had a pleasant afternoon and a successful team meeting where I won the prize for 'Good Egg' which was very unexpected as I had been one of the main people to make up the stupid prizes so I certainly wasn't expecting to win one myself. It was a really lovely surprise.


Then we decamped to the Slug and Lettuce for our annual Christmad Do. I can definitely recommend it. For £5 each we got an excellent buffet and someone provided bubbly. This may have been the manager, I'm not sure. But we all appreciated it regardless.

The only downside is I think we all felt like it was Friday, which it really isn't. And it really felt like the start if the Christmas wind down. When really there is a lot of work still to be done.


But who cares! We all had a nice time. The day has progressed on an upwards trajectory so I can only hope the week carries on in a similar way.


Love Charlotte x


Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Tired (Blogmas Day 16)

So tired.

So unenthusiastic.

So annoyed with myself for getting to this point.


Sorry to anyone I work with for being a bit slow.

Sorry to any of my friends who only get half a Christmas present. You have the other half as a New Year's Gift.

Sorry to my family for having an awkward hectic schedule.

Sorry to the boy for being sleepy and pathetic.

Sorry to you dear reader for not having anything for you to read.


Sorry, Charlotte x

Monday, 15 December 2014

The Nativity (Blogmas Day 15)

Hello all and happy only 10 sleeps 'til Christmas.

But while we are thinking about that, and all the presents and festivities and turkey we are going to gorge on I think we should spare a moment for the Nativity.


Even if you don't celebrate 'religious' Christmas, perhaps you are more into (to quote Miranda's fictional mum) What I call commercial or Coca-Cola Christmas. The kind that is all about lights and presents and getting together with friends and family to be merry rather than remembering the little baby Jesus.


I am not particularly religious. I don't go to church or pray. And I have nothing whatsoever against people celebrating the non-religious a Christmas. But I do think we need to at least consider the Nativity around this time of year, even if it doesn't have any significant meaning for you.


I think this because that is where Christmas as we know it began. If you believe it, Christmas is a celebration of Christ's birthday. If you don't, well... That's still why we have this Christmas. Pre this, there were Pagan mid winter type festivities, and jolly good fun I'm sure they were and still are. But, my understanding of it is that we needed a convenient festival to tag into to encourage some Christian conversion (I think during the Roman Times).


Yes, over time it had grown and morphed and hulked its way from paying tribute to the gifts the wise men brought to honour little baby Jesus to a mass spend spree that leaves many people reaching for the credit cards and desperately in debt come January. But the story is rather lovely and I think it is worth seeing it just for that. A nice story if nothing else. After all, the Bible has cracked our quite a few good yarns. Noah and Moses come to mind. (Yes I know they weren't a team).


So while your local primary school may have abandoned the Nativty in favour of a Christmas Show why not have a little think about some Shepherds and Wise Men and a young couple improvising somewhere for their little one to have a sleep.

Love Charlotte xx


Sunday, 14 December 2014

Festive (Blogmas Day 14)

How about, instead of listening to me ramble on about something not very exciting, like taking the train or work woes, today we look at some festive pictures?





Lazy, I know, but this is what I'm feeling today.

Not a big rambley rant or moan.

Not a how to or here's what I've been up to.

Just festive. Just Christmas.


Love Charlotte xx


Saturday, 13 December 2014

Escapism (Blogmas Day 13)

Sometimes you need to escape.

I know I do.

It makes me feel better and helps me deal with all the real world nonsense a little bit better once I get back.

I like escaping by physically getting away. Going somewhere else. Basically hiding and pretending that real world doesn't exist so much. I just hang on to all the bits I like and take those with me if I possibly can.


But sometimes you can't run away. You can't have a weekend away from home or book some time off work. So what could you do instead?


Get a takeaway.

Watch a movie.

Read a book.

Listen to an album.

Go for a walk.

Have a long bath.

Work on a project.

Play a game.

Call a friend.

Do not complain to said friend about whatever you want to escape from. The idea is to forget it.


My favourite is to have a project. Maybe with a film on. And perhaps some nice friendly company who will share a cup of tea and biscuits with me while I click my needles or get covered in PVA glue.

Having something with an enjoyable method and a satisfying result is one of the best ways of escaping for me because that I one of my main issues with the real world. It never stops turning. I don't do anything in my job that ends. I can never complete anything because the nature of the job means it just rolls over and over.


But the question is, if it wasn't like that, would I need to escape.

And if I didn't need to escape, would it be as enjoyable. Because even though I need to escape, which is bad, I really really enjoy my time when I do.

I think you need some lows to appreciate the highs.


Love Charlotte xx

Friday, 12 December 2014

Travelling First Class (Blogmas Day 12)

As someone who normally commutes standing up after sprinting across town, any journey where I get a seat is nice, but travelling first class is a luxury.


Today I made such a train journey, I wasn't planning to book first class but it was actually the cheapest ticket available!


Things I have noticed about first class:

  1. There seemed to be more men than woman.
  2. Most of the people seemed to be travelling individually.
  3. Most people were looking at tablet computers (not much different to standard really).
  4. The majority of travellers looked to over 35.
  5. And a bit businessy.


I have decided one of the main reasons it is so luxurious though is that it is quiet.

Everywhere is loud. Work, home, the town centre. It gets a bit much.

And I think the reason it is so quiet is because of point two on my observation. People in first class are travelling alone so there is no chit chat. No inane banter. No one was talking on their phones and even though people had their earphones in no one had their music turned up too loud.


There is a brilliant amount of leg room, which is useful when you are wearing wellies and can't really sit comfortably in them without stretching out. There is also a great amount of elbow room which meant I was able to crack out my knitting! Not my french knitting that I do on my usual commute, the proper, two needle kind. It was so relaxing.


I found myself thinking that if I ever become rich I would genuinely just boom train tickets for the sake of the ride. For that time slots that is all mine. If I could do it in the daylight so there was some scenery to look at out of the window then all the better but even in the dark it is vey enjoyable.


Travelling first class isn't something I can do everyday, but it is something I look forward to as an occasional treat. It's the little luxuries that make the difference.


Love Charlotte xx



Thursday, 11 December 2014

The Neutral Zone (Blogmas Day 11)

Online dating is a big thing nowadays. I know quite a few people who met their other halves over the old tinternet, whether that is an actual dating site or Facebook. Heck, Twitter even played a small part in my relationship starting up.

I appreciate that with longer working hours and busy schedules, meeting people can be tricky. Or if you have interests that aren't going out it can be difficult to know where to meet someone. Going online means you can find someone like minded who shares your tastes.


If you do find someone you like the look of, for goodness sake keep your wits about you.

Meet them somewhere neutral like a local pub. But maybe not your local pub, just incase.

Tell your friends where you are going. I would even suggest inviting them along. Not to the date obviously but get them to sit nearby so that if you need a get out they can come over and rescue you.

Don't invite them to your house.

You don't know who they are or if they are crazy.

They probably aren't, but what if they are?

If you are going to invite them round maybe get a large friend to hang about?


Call me paranoid but I up just think you should get to know someone first before you invite them around.

Maybe I am paranoid.

Maybe I have trust issues.

Or maybe I am just old fashioned.


I don't know, all I know is my boy used to have to meet me about three streets away. Then one street away. Then outside my house but he had to wait in the car.

You might think being so strange would have driven him away but he still turns up and he is actually allowed in my house now and we are jolly happy.


It is unlikely the person who inspired this post will read it, but if you do, I only have your best interests T heart. I want you to be happy. And safe.


Love Charlotte xx


Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Don't be rude. Just don't. (Blogmas day 10)

I work in a customer facing role.

Part of my job is to help members of the public.

I like helping people.


If you are especially nice I might just offer you a tea while you wait, or go out of my way to help you out sooner or find something out for you that isn't strictly speaking part of my job.


If you are rude to me I won't do this.


By being rude you have made me want to not help you. I will help you. Of course I will, it's my job.

You won't get a poor service from me. I wouldn't do that.

But I won't be helping you because I want to, only because I have to and I certainly won't go the extra mile for you when you can't even be bothered to speak to me like I am also a human being.

I have dealt with many rude people in my time:


  • People who have talked to me like I am an idiot.
  • People who talk to me like I am beneath them.
  • People who talk to me like I was out on this earth to deal with their very whim and need. (Last time I checked I had never met them before, I definitely wasn't their butler, nor was I being paid for this).
  • I have had people shout down the phone at me when I couldn't help them.
  • People who shout at me down the phone becuase I am someone to shout at. Not because I have done anything wrong.
  • People who make me cry in the kitchen and want to quit my job because they make it so unpleasant.
But none of these people is why I am writing this today.


Today I got off my cramped commute home and we all flooded into the station.

And we all ground to a halt at the barriers.


There is always congestion at the barriers becuase there are an awful lot of us and not very many barriers for us to fit through.

And some people have to be let through the barriers becuase they have passes that won't go through the barriers that a member of staff has to physically look at before you are free.


Normally there is someone there before we get off. They are ready and waiting for us.

But today, the chap on duty (a lovely bloke with specs) was just letting a few people through the barriers the other way.

People who obviously needed to get on a train. Not people who were getting off one.


And some woman at the front of the queue shouted at him across the station demanding to be let through.

He explained he would be one moment, as he was just letting those people through.

She responded with utter disgust, the sarcasm dripping out of her voice:


'Are you saying I don't pay for my train travel!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


I didn't even know you be that sarcastic, that loudly, with that much contempt.


She said it with the tone of someone saying 'What do you think I'm paying you for anyway?'


She didn't say thank you when he let her through. She didn't apologise. She just started him down like he was a slug or some other insignificant slimey inconvenience.



This riled me.

I wanted to chase her down and slap her face. It wouldn't have made it any worse as the expression she was pulling could hardly be described as attractive.


If I was the train guy I would remember her. And I would deliberately hold her up next time I saw her. I would make sure she got her train but I would make sure she had to run for it.


I remember the rude people that come into my work life. And I wouldn't say I hold a grudge, that's too serious but I certainly feel disinclined to go that extra mile I mentioned before.


Basically. Don't be rude. You won't get better service from it. You might think you're getting your way but all you are doing is scuppering your chances of any decent support in the future.


Love Charlotte xx

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Blogmas Fail (Blogmas Day 9)

I can't believe we have made it to day 9 already.

I also can't believe that it has only taken 9 days for me to get stuck. To run out of things to write. Oh dear.

Because certain people read this blog, I can't write about certain things, for example all the Christmas presents I am working on. And this is currently a VERY big part of my day to day routine.

My work days are currently very repetitive and not very exciting so there's not much to talk about there.

I am full of writer's block. Which means I am empty.

All I can offer you is a list of things I am looking forward to, with some omissions that only I will know about.

  1. A Vampire Story
  2. Team Christmas Drinks
  3. James and the Giant Peach (Mostly because I have never been in the Courtyard theatre before!)
  4. Non specified Christmas Crafts
  5. Christmas (free) lunch with work.
  6. Chinese and Present swap with The Core.
  7. Lie ins
  8. A 1.5 hour train journey. In first class. That is and hour and half that is all mine!
  9. Christmas TV! Esio Trot anyone?
  10. Planning a 2015 holiday.


So, that is my list. And listing it out has cheered me up very much.

One last thing I am looking forward to, is after Christmas being able share the stuff I just can't share yet!!


Love Charlotte xx

Monday, 8 December 2014

Knee Boot Fail (Blogmas Day 8)

Does anyone else have major problem finding knee boots they like or am I just picky?


I have been looking for a new pair of winter boots for months to no avail. I had to get a new pair after my last pair basically fell apart from over wear. I think a good pair of knee boots are a winter staple but I find it so hard to find some I like. I can't afford to go up the pricey end of boots, as much as I would like to buy several pairs I have seen in the £100+ zone, I just can't justify it to myself. So I have to look down the more budget end of the market.


The problem is that cheap stuff seems to look so, well... cheap these days. And I don't want to look like I'm wearing some cheap tacky shoes. I'm not against cheap clothes. Half my wardrobe is made up from bargain buys and no one has ever commented in a negative manner but it doesn't mean I am wiling to settle for something that isn't my style.


After trawling the shops I ended up back where the last pair of boots came from, Tesco!

I thought I'd found a beautiful pair and ho ho ho! They had a discount on them too!

I placed my order.

I waited.

They arrived today!


And here is where the other problem I have with boot purchasing appears.

They just don't fit!


I'm not super skinny in the calves. Nor am I particularly large. I just have legs. They take me places Nd for this I am thankful. But they don't fit into boots. Nope. They flap about and look baggy and this saddens me. I'm not after skin tight, that would be uncomfy. But it would be nice if all the rain didn't get in them.


I have ended up in a situation of having a cheap pair of pumps at work so that I can wear my wellies to work. Not ideal I'd rather just have some boots.


I apologise for this rant, if you bothered reading it, well done and thank you.

Love Charlote xx

Sunday, 7 December 2014

No use crying over spilt pancakes (Blogmas Day 7)

Today has been a simple day. A simply wonderful day.

Probably the last easy simple day before Christmas now.


It started, as all good Sunday's should, with a bacon sandwich. With a bacon sandwich and planning a surprise.

And then the boy came and picked me up and we went shopping for cake ingredients. I like shopping with the boy. It feels homey.

So we went home and dealt with the surprise. Putting up a little Christmas tree. :-)


Generally spent the day pottering about. We laughed and danced about and dozed and generally were a bit daft as we generally are. It was easy. It was simple. And I didn't have to worry about anything.

I know I have talked about worrying before but I worry about a lot of things. Especially at this time of year.


As the day went on we tried to make the cake (an attempt at a sugar free treat) and decided to have a stab at pancakes. Neither these things went well. The cake didn't rise very much and the pancakes were a bit of a disaster. Basically we didn't get any pancakes.


It shouldn't matter. It doesn't matter. But it was such a beautiful day that I felt like I had spoiled it. That I had failed somehow or been a let down. Which is silly. It's just pancakes. Just cake. Nothing important really.

It is so easy to focus on the negative when there is so much positive going on.

So next year, I am starting up my three good things diary again. If I do anything, I want to do that.


No use crying over spilt pancakes.

Love Charlotte xx

Saturday, 6 December 2014

Trimming up the tree (Blogmas Day 6)

Today was the day we trimmed up for Christmas in our house.

I love Christmas and trimming up should be one of my most favourite parts.

Inevitably it ends up being quite stressful though as we all power through muttering annoyed mutters until it's over and we flop down on a sofa (this has been impossible for the last couple of hours as they have been covered in boxes of decorations) with a sigh of 'it wasn't that bad after all'.


We argue about how big the tree should be.

I always think there aren't enough lights.

My sister always wants more Nightmare before Christmas ornaments.

My mum wants less.

My dad wants us all to help. Which just means we get in each other's way,

I miss the old decorations. I like them. They are nostalgic but they never seem to come out.

I also like quirky handmade things. My sister doesn't.


And then there is the controversial subject of Festive Chicken.

Festive Chicken? Oh yes. If you want to find out more about what on earth Festive Chicken is you will need to stay tuned to Blogmas!


But, the main event is up. The tree is looking fine and there in some good quality mantelpiece dressing going on. I imagine anything else will get completed over the next couple of days.


It can't just be me who had these ideas of putting the decorations up as blissful and fun and then has to realise that actually it's a lot of bother, can it?


Pip pip, Charlotte xx

Friday, 5 December 2014

Pre Christmas Clear Out (Blogmas Day 5)

My office is a mess.

An absolute mess.

And I have had enough of it.


We moved into our currentp office back in February and it is only now that we are managing to sort through some of the junk.


Okay, so this isn't actually a Christmasy post. We have basically just started the spring clean a few months early. But that is the thing about this time of year, I start thinking about next year and how I can make it better than this one.


We have been through a lot of changes recently at work. My company was bought by another, which at first caused some concern and worry. We took on a new contract which isn't particularly fun and went through a restructure which saw a few familiar faces leave and not many new ones have turned up yet dues to delays in recruitment.

I don't want to make out like it's all doom and gloom. Apart from a pay cut next year (which being honest, I'm obviously not thrilled about but understand why it has happened) I don't really see what everyone is fussing about. It's really not as bad as people are making out and it was a few changes here and there or go bust and not have a job at all (or so I can gather). I know which I'd prefer.


But my positive attitude doesn't stop it being a stressful time.

It doesn't stop the fact that the new contract is a horrendous obstacle course of jumping through hoops. Hoops that are on fire. And really, really tiny.

It doesn't mean i don't want to make it work either.


It's not going to settle down properly this year. It just isn't going to happen. We don't have all the staff in place yet and the rules and regulations change so frequently it's hard to keep up. So I reckon we might as well use the up and down time to chuck out some old junk and try and organise ourselves so that when stuff does get overwhelming, we are as best prepared for it as possible.


I just need to apply this to my personal life and I will be sorted.


Love Charlotte xx

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Festive Fowl (Blogmas Day 4)

If you are expecting a post about how to cook the perfect turkey this Christmas then I am afraid I must disappoint you for that is not what you are about to read.


We are only 4 days into December but well into what I think is the Festive Season. Christmas Markets have been up and running for a few weeks, town centres are decked up and generally the idea is get into some Christma Cheer.


I haven't seen a brass band yet but I am hoping to soon. Because if there is one thing I love p, especially at Christmas, it is a brass band. Throw in a choir doing Christmas carols (not songs) and I will be a very happy bunny indeed.


What I have seen though is these things:


I have no idea what they are or why they were walking through the town centre at around 5pm. Nor did I have time to find out as sadly the commuter train waits for no man! So a hasty snapshot and a sense of intrigue and mystery had to suffice.


Was there a show on?

Were they to promote something?

Were they part of an act or an act in themselves?


There was a marquee a bit further up and some chaos in smart attire who looked like they could be magicians setting something up but there was no signage saying what was going on, so it is unlikely I will ever know.


But I enjoyed the moment all the same. It made me smile at the end of a long day and surel that is in keeping with the festive spirit?


Love Charlotte xx


Wednesday, 3 December 2014

The Pros and Cons of Winter (Blogmas Day 3)

At the time of writing I am sat on the sofa in my living room, which just so happens to have a proper fire in it.

Not a gas fire, or an electric fire or even a wood burning stove (as lively as they are) but a proper, in the grate, needs a big hearth and a rug incase it spits, fire.


This is how I know winter has arrived generally because we have to get the chimney sweep out in order that we can light the thing without filling the room with smoke and the coal man comes and fills up the coal hole in the garage. Winter has arrived and it it just marvellous.


But it's not all toasty fires is it? At the time of writing I also have really rather badly chapped lips, despite liberal applications of lip balm. Only a small thing yes, but the constant stinging is starting to irritate me now and I would be much happier if it just shoved right off and left me to enjoy the flamey goodness in peace.


So, I thought I would do a little list of the pros and cons of winter. It is by no way comprehensive and certainly isn't in any particular order just as they occur to me. At this stage, I have just as little idea as you do as to what they are going to be. Let's find out together shall we?


Pros of Winter

  1. Soup: Oh yes. Soup. I know you can have soup any time of the year, gazpacho for instance is designed for the summer months, but I am talking about proper hearty soups that warm not only the body but the spirit too. Those sort of soups you don't crack out until the temperature drops and boy are they worth waiting for.
  2. Hot Chocolate: In particular Christmas hot chocolates from cafés. Normally, I am not a fan of buying over priced drinks out and about because I am a bit cheap and I know I have access to free drinks either at home or at work. But at Christmas, there are exciting flavours and cute cups to be had. Who can resist!?
  3. Cosy PJs: Is there a better excuse for new PJs than the fact that it's getting chillier? I am also including onesies and twosies in this because I LOVE THEM! If I could, I would spend the majority of my time in my nightwear. The choice of cute and fun designs is endless and they are just so much comfort than 'Human Clothes' (As my friend Rose has taken to calling regular outfits).
  4. Movie nights (and days!): With the weather getting colder, you have the perfect excuse to stay in, curl up under a blanket and watch a good film, comedy dvd or do a box set marathon. Settle in and get comfy because you don't need to go out really do you?
  5. Getting in from the cold: If you've managed to work the timer on your central heating so the house is already warm when you get in (you knew you would have to venture out eventually) it feels like you being defrosted. It is pure bliss to shake off the chill and melt away into point 4 above.


Cons of Winter

  1. Layers upon layers upon layers : After establishing that coming in from the cold is great, sadly it does require that you go out in it first. And for me, that means layers! I get cold very easily and I do not like being cold which means I complain a lot if I am. This means I have to layer up during winter to the point of feeling like the Michelin Man. I will wear tights, leggings and socks under my jeans. Which I will then cove with winter boots. And while this stops me being cold, it also stops me being able to bend my knees.
  2. It's SO DARK: Obvious but true. Winter means it's dark. Which makes me feel a bit fed up. Although I have to admit I have made it pretty far in without getting too down in the dumps this year which I feel is an achievement. But spending all the daylight hours at work is never a fun way to pass the time.
  3. Shoppers: With winter comes Christmas (you wondered when that was coming didn't you?) but with Christmas comes Christmas shoppers. And Christmas shoppers clog up the town centre when I am trying to take my lunch break. My 1 hour of being out in actual sunlight per day. Get out of my way and let me have my vitamin D time in peace.
  4. Christmas Shopping: In particular when you don't know what to get the person in question. I love giving presents, I really enjoy it, but I want to do it well and that can be hard when you have NO idea what to get someone. Give me a clue please?
  5. Being ill: Everyone is ill in winter so even if you're not actually poorly yourself you are trying yo avoid getting one big or another. I commute. On a jam packed tin box of germs. And then I go to work in an office dealing with members of the public. Who are full of germs. And my co-workers come in from other locations where they have interacted with other groups of germ-tastic people. I'm not trying to be mean about the people on my train or the people I work with. We are all full of germs, myself included. It's just a wonder I'm not coughing up my own lungs for a greater percentage of the year.


I am pleased to report that I found coming up with the Pros list much easier than the Cons which is surely a good thing. I know there are many more for each category so please feel free to share your favourites and hates of this chillier seasons.


Love Charlotte xx

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

The Christmas Takeover (Blogmas Day 2)

Does anyone else find that in the run up to Christmas it can feel s bit overwhelming. Like it takes over everything and it is the only thing you can focus on?


But not in a nice 'Oh I've got that Christmassy feeling' way.


In an 'Oh my goodness, I have no time and can only do things relating to Christmas but not actually have fun doing them because of the need to cram everything in' way.


I hope it's not just me.


I tried very much to come up with my ideas ahead of time and I have got some stuff sorted out, but I still find myself with a lot of things to make and a lot of things to do. I am using my commute to make presents and my bank account has taken a hit with online shopping. I can't even remember where I have put my Christmas cards, nor do I know when I am going to write them.


I love Chrstmas, I do. But I wonder if I have made too much work for myself which is going to spoil it.


There is a change of subject coming up, but bear with me, it's relevant I promise.



It's a Tuesday, which means I have a driving lesson. Yes, I am still having lessons because apparently I am not very good at passing driving tests. I recently failed for the second time at the end of November. But I was all set to book it again and have another stab at it, I was raring to get it sorted out.


And then Christmas hit.


And I lost all my enthusiasm. Taking the test again. Having to do lessons. It all just felt like hassle I didn't need getting in the way. And ploughing the money into it as well!? Crazy. But above that, I just found myself lacking motivation. Driving isn't Christmas related so it wasn't capturing my attention. It wasn't important. Christmas is what is important.


No it's not.


Not like that.


The important thing about Christmas isn't all the baubles, bangles and bright shiny beads (although they are fun) and it isn't the presents (even though I am super excited to give some special people done special things). If you're of a Christian persuasion it is about celebrating a particularly important birthday but if you're not, it should be about spending time with the important people in your life.


It's a time to take stock, relax and wind down, ready to take on the challenges of a new year. Not frenzy yourself into a big ball of stress.


If you want my take on Christmas, here it is. Stripped right down:


I've always thought that it is wonderful that during the literal darkest times of the year, we put on more lights.


Love Charlotte xx





Ps. The driving lesson went well and I feel a lot more motivated about the whole thing again!

Monday, 1 December 2014

Happy Blogmas!

Hello and Happy Blogmas!


I've been away for a little while dealing with various bits and bobs out there in the real world. But now I am back. Back for Blogmas.


Basically, I was fed up of letting all the rubbish get in the way of me doing something I actually enjoy. So Blogmas seemed like a good way to try and get myself back in the groove. I did daily bligging way back in August and I had a jolly good time. So here we go again!


We start, yesterday (Yes I know that wasn't December but let's just brush over that) why I saw not only my first, but my second domestic Christmas tree. Bars, restaurants and shops have had their trees up for what feels like months now, but yesterday was my first glimpse of actual trees in people's living rooms! I personally think it's a bit early and I wouldn't want to put my tree up yet but seeing other people's cheers me up no end. Plus, it surely means soon it will be time to hunt out the over the top Chrustmas lights! Excellent!


Back to December. Festive things of today include getting my first Christmas card.


Starting my work advent calendar - a lovely gift from my friend Sam.


And... My home advent calendar. This one was from my sister. You gotta love Frozen!

And seeing as I didn't buy any of my advent calendars, I bought the boy one too.

He has promised not to eat all the chocolates at once!


I don't know if all my Blogmas posts will be of an equally festive theme, some defintely will be but some might not. Today was just a little introduction for myself back into blogging.


I hope you enjoyed finding out how into advent calendars I apparently am. I would love to see your advent calendar if you feel in a sharing mood!


Love Charlotte xx


Saturday, 8 November 2014

Work, Rest and Play

Hello there. If you are expecting a post about Mars bars then I will apologise in advance.

This is a post about time management. Sort of.


It is inspired by the Eight Hour Theory of Time Management.


Eight hours sleep time.

Eight hours at work.

Eight hours time that is my own.


This is a great theory, in principle. My issue is with it is the blurred bits in between the 'zones'.

The time when I can't get to sleep but when I am too tired to do anything, or don't feel able to because I should be sleeping.

The two hours a day I spend commuting. It's not part of my eight hour 'work' day, but it still feels like work because it is work related.

This can even sometimes go for my lunch break. I specifically get to work half an hour earlier than I have to so I can take an hour for lunch. But quite often my lunch breaks are spent running errands or wasted going to the pound shop yet again. Or buying more food because I neglected to pack enough snacks. Probably from the poundshop. I seem to live in there.


I appreciate that working the usual 9-5 day means my free hours are going to be in the evening, and that they are not always that practical. The cinema costs more, and often you can't go because the showing starts later into the evening so by the time you get home you are late to bed, and then tired for work the next day.


That one example shows how the zones all blur together. We beg,borrow and steal from then as it suits us. Promising to catch up on that sleep on the weekend (incidentally science says this doesn't work), that we will take that hour back that we stay late at the office, or just sleeping through our free time because we are so blinking tired!


I think the 8 hour time thing could work. But not for everyone. As far as I can tell, it's only going to work for people who can really limit the blurred zones. And what about people who do shifts? Sometimes their working day could be 12 hours. Other times only 4! Who knows. And what happens if you do over time on the weekend? Surely that is all your time right? Oh bother...


I think all you can really do is try to make all the hours happy ones.

If you have trouble sleeping (like I do) you have to use some of your time to help you sleep better. This might mean researching, taking up expertise, eating healthier or something else. Because if you're tired, none of your hours will be as happy as they could be.

If you don't like your job what can you do to improve it? Is it so bad that you need to find a new one? Or could you just make some changes? Are you allowed to listen to music or an audio book during your work? I find that helps when I can fit it in.

If you feel like you are wasting your personal time, try new things to get more out of it. Spend ages deciding what to wear on the morning because you're still half asleep? Get your clothes out the night before to make the morning run smoother.


Maybe I don't think the 8 hour thing can work after all. But finding a healthy mix of activities that works for you of what we should all be aiming for!


Monday, 3 November 2014

A pumpkin is for life, not just for Halloween.

Well, for the general Autumn/Winter season at any rate.



Much to my annoyance last year, as soon as Halloween was over, the pumpkins disappeared from the supermarkets. It was almost like they aren't actually a vegetable, just a decorative item or fun filled half term pass-time.


This just isn't true.


I only really found out I liked pumpkin last year so I was all set to make up for a lot of missed pumpkin opportunities. But I couldn't because they were more scarce than chicken teeth. There's a high quality, old fashioned saying for you! And they are conspicuous by their absence again this year. Disappointing.


Pumpkin is delicious. Roasted up it's super tasty. I imagine it also makes a good mash or maybe as a gratin? I am open to suggestions. I am currently in love with pumpkin and chorizo soup. It's super tasty and sooo easy to make. And it saddens me that pumpkins are just thrown away, not to be eaten. What a waste.


By all means, carve a pumpkin! I carved mine. It was a good time. If you're interested here is what I did:

Not very traditional I grant you, but I highly recommend taking a power drill to a pumpkin. Very good fun.


But before I could do that. I had to do all the prep:


I decided to cut the bottom off rather than the top, again breaking with tradition. It's easier to deal with the candle situation and it adds a bit of stability.

Then came the less pleasant part, scooping out the seeds. A mixture of hands and a metal spoon seems to be the best way of doing this.

Finally, it was time to get the flesh out. I used a teaspoon as it was a the only thing that fit in the cavity. And I scraped. And scraped. And scraped. And approximately one lifetime later I had managed to get enough pumpkin out.


Oh yes. Bargain.


So what do you do with over a kilogram of pumpkin? Make soup of course! Just like I said above.

First fry up the chorizo. Then take out of the pan and fry up the onions.

Chuck the pumpkin in and cook that for a bit until it starts to soften.

Add stock and simmer for half an hour or so.


I am well aware none of the above pictures look that appealing. And to be brutally honest, the finished product is a strange sludgy brown colour. But boy is it scrumptious! All you do is blend it to the desire consistency and chuck the chorizo back in!

In total I made 10 portions of soup. At around 50p a soup! And I had a nice time to boot. (I am all about the funny phrases today).


So there it is. Pumpkin soup and an autumnal decoration. It is a multifunctional food that should be available AFTER Halloween please.


Love Charlotte xx



Ps. I was so bothered by the disappearing pumpkins that I found myself in this Twitter conversation:

Thanks Sainsburys. I shall look forward to next year.


Sunday, 2 November 2014

Three Good Things: The last week (and a bit)



It's been a very interesting exercise doing this over the month of October. There has been a lot of quite negative stuff going on at the moment and I've not been feeling top drawer at all. But at least I can look back and see 93 good things. That is a lot of good things. Sure some of them are only little things but they still count and quite often they can be the most important things to keep you going. So, what are the little things for the end of October?


Wednesday 22nd October

  1. Making two cakes
  2. Knitting a little hat for my snowman tea cosy
  3. The creation of #cakeforcraig


Thursday 23rd October

  1. Spending lunchtime with my friend Phil
  2. More Children in Need Sewing Bee!
  3. Knitting more tea cosy.


Friday 24th October

  1. Avoiding an unnecessary meeting
  2. Listening to Harry Potter audiobooks and Alohomora podcasts
  3. Massive sing-a-long in the car


Saturday 25th October

  1. Dreaming of craft fairs
  2. Trip to Home Bargains for all the BARGAINS!
  3. Trip to the garden centre to look at CHRISTMAS things!


Sunday 26th October

  1. Collecting pine cones
  2. The boy understanding my being a silly so and so.
  3. Trip to the pub.


Monday 27th October

  1. Day out with Mum and Sister
  2. Watching the final Our Zoo
  3. Getting an amazing new winter coat. Seriously, it's like a duvet.


Tuesday 28th October

  1. Getting a good seat on the train
  2. Careers Advice Session - got some homework.
  3. Confirmation of my job application


Wednesday 29th October

  1. Sitting in a cosy room to quietly get in with my job
  2. Long lunch time walk
  3. Not missing the train. I left the office with 7 minutes to get there. It normally takes almost 15.


Thursday 30th October

  1. Four cheese ravioli for lunch
  2. Booking the Midnight Mockingjay tickets
  3. Decorating this (Chocolate Orange) Mickey Mouse cake


Friday 31st October

  1. Finding out the Zoella stuff is in the Leeds Superdrug
  2. Delicious pizza. Smoked sea salt, who knew how gorgeous it would be!?
  3. Brilliant evening out for my friend Sam's last day. Miss you Sam.


So that is that. October wasn't as bad as I think it was. After all, every day had at least 3 good things. There were some days I could've listed more things to be honest!


I really do recommend doing this as an exercise. It makes you feel much better. Even if you have to put the tiniest thing down it still counts.


Love Charlotte xx


Thursday, 23 October 2014

Three Good Things: Week Three

Well October is almost over and I have still managed to keep up a three good things diary. I admit it is late going up but that is my fault, not the good things. Because October is slightly over 4 weeks I will roll the end of October together and pop it up in a week's time. But until then, here are some things that have made things a bit better over the last week.


Wednesday 15th October

  1. New Chai latte drink for work
  2. Getting the headsets for the fancy phones at work
  3. Going shopping for a leaving present (sad, but still good)


Thursday 16th October

  1. Installment 4 of my payback of a money I loaned a friend
  2. Taking my friend out for a leaving lunch
  3. After work Pepsi at the pub


Friday 17th October

  1. Taking my driving test (I didn't pass, but I made it through which was an achievement in itself!)
  2. Afternoon at The Surrogates
  3. Planning my dream Lush Haul


Saturday 18th October


  1. Clearing up and chucking out
  2. Tea with the Boy
  3. Strictly and Doctor Who with my sister


Sunday 19th October

  1. Pretending to go sofa shopping (while waiting for another shop to open!)
  2. Cozying up under blankets to watch films (Frozen and Triumph)
  3. Profiteroles!


Monday 20th October

  1. Hot chocolates from an independent cafe
  2. Pumpkin and chorizo soup
  3. Important announcement at work about how my team works


Tuesday 21st October

  1. Teaching a colleague how to use the new phones
  2. Showing Dave how to knit. He didn't understand
  3. Managing to stay awake (pretty much) until 10pm! (I've been very tired)


Okay, so only 9 more days to go! Let's hope they are good ones!


Love Charlotte x

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Three Good Things: Week Two

Well here we are, two weeks in to October and things are still going well! But what have been my highlights? Apparently it was these things:


Wednesday 8th October

  1. Finally had 121 meeting at work
  2. Reassured about job options
  3. Bake Off Final!


Thursday 9th October

  1. Evening meal with the boy
  2. The Ladykillers
  3. Introducing friends to theatre

Friday 10th October

  1. Left over snacks at work
  2. Potentially good news about Sam's interview
  3. Catching up on Bake Off Extra Slice

Saturday 12th October

  1. Catching up on Strictly with my sister
  2. Starting to clear out some clutter
  3. Learning how to knit Stripes

Sunday 13th October

  1. Walk in the misty morning
  2. Ross Noble DVD - so funny
  3. Making pasta bake

Monday 14th October

  1. Super fast morning!
  2. Leftover lunch!!
  3. Very good news for my friend Sam

Tuesday 15th October

  1. Getting a Christmas present bought
  2. Second to last driving lesson before my test
  3. New Vanilla Chai Latte


Okay, so that's not a bad mix of things. There's been some big things, and some little things, but I definitely feel like doing this is making me more positive. Let's see what next week brings!


Love Charlotte x

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Stephen Fry Live!

Oh deary me. I am behind on everything. The real world has gotten to my brain and made it feel like a jumble sale. But I am slowly getting back on track and it is time to catch up with my theatre reviews.


So... Here is a review with a slightly different subject. All the theatre shows I have been to so far this have been, well you know, in the theatre. However, this was in the cinema. Through the magic that is the internet the show was beamed LIVE across the country (and also the world!) so I didn't have to go to Stephen Fry. Stephen Fry came to me.


Live streams aren't new. They have been around for a while and it has been suggested that this is the sort of thing that cinemas will need to do to keep going. After all, with digital downloads and all that jazz, the cinema is less of an event than it once was. I have to really want to see a film to go and see it at the cinema. Midnight showings are my thing. They are exciting and an event. Just seeing a film is good, and of course it is more than just popping a DVD in. But at almost £10 a ticket it's just not something I can prioritise.


I digress. Stephen Fry. Back to the topic at hand.


First of all, I would definitely recommend live screenings. After just talking about costs I feel obliged point out that it was more than a standard cinema ticket but at £15 it seemed pretty reasonable. No more expensive than the cheaper seats in a theatre and so much cheaper than the good seats. And because it was filmed, it was like being in the good seats.

Now I love me a bit if Stephen. He is brilliant, just brilliant. Engaging and interesting and above all honest. The show was to tie in with the release of the third install ment of his autobiography he talked frankly about both the highs and the lows of his life which I think is important. People experience dark times and that is okay. But being able to talk about them can help not only the person in question but also other people who might be struggling or suffering too.

Not that the show was all doom and gloom from Mr Fry's past. Oh no. There was the sharp wit I expect, my favourite point probably being his apology to those punters sitting in the seats behind the stage. He said sorry for the fact that they had to look at his behind for the most part, then swiftly took back his apology and complimented his own derrière.


One things that did bother me a little bit, was that I couldn't quite shake the idea that it could have been a pre-recording. I know it was live, of course I did but the way it was filmed, with close ups and mixed shots just gave it a feel of a one man show DVD. This is not a bad thing though. I love a comedy DVD and I'm sure a cinema could get away with just popping one on. People would laugh and it would be a fun evening out. What more do you want?


That is the question. What do you want from an evening out? Me and the boy had a good time and that is all that matters to me.


Love Charlotte x


Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Week One of Three Good Things

Well, it's the start of the second week of October so let's have a look a t the good things that happened in the first!

Wednesday 1st October
  1. Friend Sam was back at work.
  2. Tea with the boy at Frankie and Benny's (with discount voucher)! We got pizza and pasta and shared them! Genius idea.
  3. Live stream of Stephen Fry at the cinema - this was brilliant!

Thursday 2nd October
  1. Dutch Apple Cake. What could be better then unexpected homemade cake.
  2. The END of the old contract. Yes I had to stay until silly o'clock but at least it's over.
  3. Salt and Pepper chips. Taste Sensation!

Friday 3rd October
  1. Quiet day in the office.
  2. Half day. Getting picked up at lunch time for a weekend trip is how all weeks should end.
  3. The Annex.

Saturday 4th October
  1. Lazy morning.
  2. Swapping lunches. Half and half meals are my new favourite thing.
  3. Pately Bridge: The oldest sweet shop in Britain

Sunday 5th October
  1. The lovely woman at the B&B. I hadn't met her when we arrived but she was an absolute darling!
  2. Caves!
  3. Visiting the Black Sheep Brewery
Monday 6th October

  1. The super cute ghost below.
  2. Getting the new phones working in the office.
  3. Catching up on GBBO Extra Slice.

Tuesday 7th October
  1. Feeling like I knew what I was doing at work, at least for part of the day.
  2. Being silly in Primark with Phil.
  3. Jolly good driving lesson.

It has been well worth keeping these little lists each day because when I look back on the week overall I have a slightly negative feeling about it due to various factors. But looking at this shows me that actually, I had a really brilliant week and that I am very, very lucky.

I look forward to seeing what the next week brings!

Love Charlotte xxx

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Three Good Things

Hello and a belated Happy October to you!

It can't just be me thinking about Halloween baking right? Surely not!?


Anyway, just a quick update to say sorry for being away but things have been manic in the real world. I'd rather be here in 'hellocharlottespeaking' works instead. The past week epecially has been rotten. Dreadful. Downright unpleasant. But it is easy to get stuck on the negative and forget about the good things.

So for October I will be keeping a diary of three good things from each day.

This is something I tried to do at the start of the year but like all my attempts at diary-ing I had tailed off by about March. Which is a shame. I enjoyed reading back while I was doing it. This time I will post a weekly review of the three good things of each day.


Here's hoping for good things then!


Love Charlotte xx

Saturday, 27 September 2014




I have an ereader.


And I have books.


And I see the benefits of both.


I love real books. I love holding them, feeling the weight in my hands. I love flicking through the pages and the feeling of physically popping in a book mark (or old receipt / train ticket / biscuit wrapper). I like reading the back in a book shop and sometimes getting it signed by the author. I like the smell. I like how the furnish a room. I love noseying at what people are reading on the train. You can be reading anything on an ereader but books are a statement about who you are.


But I must admit, I like my ereader too. It's light. It's easy to read. I like how you can adjust the size of the text to suit yourself. I like that it tells you what percentage of the book you are on. I like how it doesn't take up much space in your bag. And how it doesn't weigh down your bag either!


I know there's a lot of debate about books vs. ereaders. E-reader people claim they are the future. That they are easier to use. That "why do you need all those books anyway? They take up so much space!"

Book people talk about the romanticism of the printed page. About how reading from a screen is cold. About the memories that the physical book can evoke.


I see both. As do many people. But, as the smart observer will have noticed, if I had to choose. I would choose books. I like my ereader. But I love my books. And today I think I realised why. With an ereader you can recommend a story.

But with a book you can share it.

You can lend them and borrow them and leave post-it notes in them.

You can't give an ebook as far as I know, only a voucher.

But you can give a book. You can choose it based on their tastes or because they've hinted or it's an author they like. I am always happy to receive a book. Even if it turns out not to be my cup of tea. It's genuinely the thought that counts.


Books are social.

Ebooks aren't.


Sunday, 14 September 2014

Don't Waste My Time.

So, unlike some other months this year I am not undertaking a daily challenge for September.

It's just a weekly thing, to watch a film that I haven't seen each week.

While it might seem straight forward to you, I am not known for my film watching. I like films don't get me wrong. But I rarely choose to sit down and pop a DVD on. I like going to the cinema if it's to see something I am excited about, but I am less bothered about just going to see whatever the latest release is. And the same is true at home. I'd rather watch a couple of episodes of a box set than a film as somehow I feel I'm getting more out of the time. Or I wil be watching a film and start thinking about all the other stuff I could do with that hour and a half. The fact that I would probably not have done that and just procrastinated the time away is irrelevant. The idea distracts me and often I find myself watching a film in chunks because I feel the need to do something else.

And that is what I have ended up doing. It's taken me a week to watch my first film. So I'll just have to try and cram the other 3 in somewhere...


So, what did I choose for my first film of September? Nothing more apt than In Time starring that Justin Timberlake chap!

As you can see, the DVD is still in the wrapper. I can't actually remember when I bought this but I reckon it was about a year ago. That's how bad I am at watching films. Watching this will help me with another challenge I am working on but that's for another post.
So, the basic premise. Everyone lives to 25 just fine and dandy. And then you stop ageing. Sounds lovely. But you die at 26. Rubbish. I've just turned 26 and I haven't managed to do anything! WAIT! We can get out of this dodgy situation because you get paid in time. And you buy stuff in time. You literally spend time. If you can get hold of enough time you can become basically immortal. I like this concept but I wouldn't want to live it.
Mr. Timberlake is poor, basically trying to scrape enough hours to get to the next day. He meets an old chap. Although because people don't age he still looks young - this would be confusing enough. The old chap has LOADS of time but is fed up and just wants to die. He says you can only live for so long before your mind wears out even if your body doesn't. He thinks the world is corrupt and secretly donates all his time to Timbers while he sleeps leaving him the message 'Don't waste my time'
Now Timbers in on a mission.
A mission to take down the corrupt rich and redistribute time.
Obviously there's a pretty rich girl and hit men and rozzers and going on the run and ghettos and whatnot.
I enjoyed the film, I did and I would recommend you give it a watch but... I dunno, it just felt a bit shallow to me.
Not shallow as in, you know shallow. Like Shallow Hal (also a film I haven't seen). Not because it's all about looks and titles and what people see on the surface. Shallow because I didn't feel like it really got into the depths of the world it created. It felt like we stayed on the surface even though it was meant to be about uncovering and righting corruption.
And, one thing that really bugs me is that the leading lady is wearing very high heels.
I like a pair of heels. I do. I have nothing against women (or men for that matter) wearing them if they want. I have some very high heels. But I would never wear them if I was on the run. I wear them if I'm getting a taxi to the restaurant and home again. Not to run the 400m!
But not film women. Towards the end, the heroine is literally running for her life as she tries to get to JT who has a fresh supply of time as her clock ticks down. She would get there much faster in trainers.
(I'm sure in the running scene the actress was probably wearing flats)
It is also unfair of a Timbers to think she can easily keep up when he is wearing six inch heels and he is wearing a sensible shoe.


I hope my analysis of the footwear situation doesn't ruin your enjoyment if what is otherwise a pretty decent film. Enjoy spending a couple of hours of you time wondering if you would've bothered watching it if you could see your clock ticking down.