Sunday, 2 November 2014

Three Good Things: The last week (and a bit)



It's been a very interesting exercise doing this over the month of October. There has been a lot of quite negative stuff going on at the moment and I've not been feeling top drawer at all. But at least I can look back and see 93 good things. That is a lot of good things. Sure some of them are only little things but they still count and quite often they can be the most important things to keep you going. So, what are the little things for the end of October?


Wednesday 22nd October

  1. Making two cakes
  2. Knitting a little hat for my snowman tea cosy
  3. The creation of #cakeforcraig


Thursday 23rd October

  1. Spending lunchtime with my friend Phil
  2. More Children in Need Sewing Bee!
  3. Knitting more tea cosy.


Friday 24th October

  1. Avoiding an unnecessary meeting
  2. Listening to Harry Potter audiobooks and Alohomora podcasts
  3. Massive sing-a-long in the car


Saturday 25th October

  1. Dreaming of craft fairs
  2. Trip to Home Bargains for all the BARGAINS!
  3. Trip to the garden centre to look at CHRISTMAS things!


Sunday 26th October

  1. Collecting pine cones
  2. The boy understanding my being a silly so and so.
  3. Trip to the pub.


Monday 27th October

  1. Day out with Mum and Sister
  2. Watching the final Our Zoo
  3. Getting an amazing new winter coat. Seriously, it's like a duvet.


Tuesday 28th October

  1. Getting a good seat on the train
  2. Careers Advice Session - got some homework.
  3. Confirmation of my job application


Wednesday 29th October

  1. Sitting in a cosy room to quietly get in with my job
  2. Long lunch time walk
  3. Not missing the train. I left the office with 7 minutes to get there. It normally takes almost 15.


Thursday 30th October

  1. Four cheese ravioli for lunch
  2. Booking the Midnight Mockingjay tickets
  3. Decorating this (Chocolate Orange) Mickey Mouse cake


Friday 31st October

  1. Finding out the Zoella stuff is in the Leeds Superdrug
  2. Delicious pizza. Smoked sea salt, who knew how gorgeous it would be!?
  3. Brilliant evening out for my friend Sam's last day. Miss you Sam.


So that is that. October wasn't as bad as I think it was. After all, every day had at least 3 good things. There were some days I could've listed more things to be honest!


I really do recommend doing this as an exercise. It makes you feel much better. Even if you have to put the tiniest thing down it still counts.


Love Charlotte xx


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