I'm a cup of tea sort of girl. None of that coffee rubbish. (Apologies to all coffee lovers).
Until last month, I just drank tea. You know. The proper stuff. Tea. Milk. Maybe a sugar if it's a bad day. Then everything changed and I got sucked into the world of different teas. That picture up there, I never thought I'd be the sort of person who would frequent that aisle. But, 31 days and 31 teas later I have a secret tea stash in the office (of 5 different types of tea) and I can honestly say I like alternative teas. Although nothing is going to beat a good old builder's brew.
I want to share my trials with you, the highlights (and the low points!) and hopefully inspire you to try something new.
Days 1 - 9
Day 1: Peppermint and Everyday Blend 7/10 (This has made it to the regular tea stash)
Day 2: Jasmine 3/10 (One of the absolute worst!)
Day 3: Oolong 4/10 (Tasted like tea that had been left at the back of the cupboard for a few years)
Day 4: Vanilla Chai 8.5/10 (Basically like a pudding)
Day 5: Apple 7/10 (Pretty nice, a bit like hot squash)
Day 6: Lemon Green Tea 5/10 (Meh, average)
Day 7: Earl Grey 9/10 (Haven't had this since I was little. Reminded me of my Grandpa)
Day 8: Garam Assam Chai 6/10 (Not as good as the vanilla chai)
Day 9: Lychee and Mango 9/10 (Vey nice, again just like a tasty hot juice)
Days 10 - 18
Day 10: Superior Tea 5/10 (Not superior at all. Bit thin in flavour)
Day 11: China Rose Tea 10/10 (This is my absolute favourite! I loved it so much I bought a whole box of it)
Day 12: Chocolate Tea 6/10 (Not chocolatey enough)
Day 13: Camomile and Honey 4/10 (Not very nice at all, pretty boring)
Day 14: Honey Green Tea 4/10 (Another not very nice one, had to down this one cooled)
Day 15: Gingersnap Peach 5/10 (Didn't really taste much of peach)
Day 16: Asian Tea 8/10 (My friend brought me this in a flask. I wish I knew the recipe!)
Day 17: Vibrant Mandarin Orange 5/10 (Smells lush, not enough orange flavour)
Day 18: Peach 7/10 (Slightly artificial taste)
Days 19 - 27
Day 19: English Breakfast 8/10 (Just a nice tea)
Day 20: Cranberry and Raspberry 7/10 (Nicer than I expected because I don't like cranberry)
Day 21: Pear and Caramel 7/10 (Strange, but tasty)
Day 22: Blackberry, Ginseng and Vanilla 6.5/10 (I think it was the ginseng that made it taste a bit funny)
Day 23: Redbush Citrus 6/10 (Has a nice citrus but not brilliant)
Day 24: Spice Imerial 3/10 (Not a lot of flavour and certainly not very spiced)
Day 25: Redbush 2/10 (No. Not for me at all)
Day 26: Ginger and Lemon 3/10 (I acidentally inhaled ginger which might have contributed to the low score)
Day 27: Pure Green Tea 4/10 (Drinkable. Definitely better with lemon in it though)
Days 28 - 30
Day 28: Camomile and Spiced Apple 6/10 (If it wasn't for the camomile undertone this would've been nice)
Day 29: Raspberry Leaf 8/10 (Pretty darn tasty)
Day 30: Nettle Tea (Tea 1) 4.5/10 (If I can find evidence it's actually good for you I would drink this)
Day 30: Women's Tea (Tea 2) 6/10 (I had been dreading this one. It sounds ominous, actually quite nice)
Day 30: Afternoon Blend (Tea 3) 5/10 (Disappointed by this. I thought it would be much nicer)
Day 30 - 31
Day 30: Licorice (Tea 4) 7/10 (I really thought I'd hate this. I don't like Licorice. This was surprisingly nice though)
Day 31: 1886 Blend 7/10 (Probably the best 'normal-ish' tea I've had but not the best overall)
As you can see, I went a bit crazy on day 30. It was a Friday and therefore I was in the office. I decided it was a good idea to try and drink up as many of the teas as possible.
I am currently having #teatrials withdrawal. I miss the excitement of trying a new tea, even if some of them were awful. I miss being pleasantly surprised by the ones I thought would be horrid. I miss letting other people at work try them and watching their reactions.
Thank goodness I've got a challenge set up for June!
Toodle Pip, Charlotte xxx
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