Friday, 19 June 2015

A 'quirky' night out.

8 Players

3 Women

5 Men

10 Ukuleles

100% Fun

Last week, a friend at work asked me if I had any 'Fun, different stuff coming up. Because, you know, you're a bit quirky like that and you always seem to be doing stuff that's just, well, different.'

I'll take the compliment although the I don't know if I'd describe myself as quirky. I'm just me, I like the things I like and so I do them. And as is happens, the most 'quirky, different' thing I had going on last week was tickets to see The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain.

I first saw The Ukes on Jools Holland and they did Smells Like Teem Spirit. It was incredible. I've loved them ever since.

I only have a handful of their tracks on my iPod at the moment (soon to be many more I hope) and quite frankly I would rather listen to them than the original versions of their tunes. No offence intended Ms. Gaga but your version of Born This Way has been surpassed in my ears by a bloke with a little 4 stringed instrument.


I'm not going to lie, I can't remember the night that well. Everything was so fun and it has ended up as a bit of a blur. I know they they did 'Valarie', one of my personal favourites 'Le Freak' and what I thought was pure brilliance 'Happy'. The reason for this was that Mr. Williams of Happy fame himself was playing just down the road at the big arena. Give me my ukuleles and a beautiful town hall any day.

I don't know how to explain them. Their voices are unique. The range of music they turn their strings to is vast. They did a medley that involved both Frank Sinatra and the Pussy Cat Dolls together. More so IT WORKED. If you don't like 'fun' music, or music with a novelty factor then maybe they aren't for you. They most certainly aren't taking themselves seriously. But they music is. Entirely professional. The highest standard playing. If you like music, proper music and appreciate it being performed to the peak then check them out. You can YouTube them. They said so during their show.



Charlotte x


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