Monday, 14 September 2015

Three Good Things August 2015 Week 4 (and a bit)

It's the final week (and a bit) of August! Oh yeah, nearly caught up on the blog posts!


I was waiting for this week so much. My holiday week. I had such a good time even though it took me about 5 days to stop feeling so shattered... So let's get into it!


Saturday 22nd August

  1. Waking up at the coast. Filey is my favourite hideaway.
  2. Going for a walk along the front to look at the sea.
  3. Trip to the pub.


Sunday 23rd August

  1. Visit from the boy and exploring new areas of a place I always go to.
  2. Getting some giant knitting needles from a car boot sale.
  3. DONUTS!


Monday 24th August

  1. Day out to Bridlington.
  2. Doing two pub visits.
  3. Taking some time out from everything to make myself feel better (I was a bit poorly that day).


Tuesday 25th August

  1. Trip to Rieveux Abbey and gardens.
  2. Mum losing her last marble.
  3. Watching a random choice film which was actually really good.


Wednesday 26th August

  1. Doing A LOT of knitting.
  2. Having all the tasty meals.
  3. Poaching my very first egg.


Thursday 27th August

  1. Going to The Filey Museum and chatting the friendly woman who was volunteering that day.
  2. Visiting the delightful Sugar Cube cafe and meeting the lovely guy who runs it. Ian, you are totally fab!
  3. Watching a Star Wars film. We've nearly watched them all now.


Friday 28th August

  1. Coming home to my good mattress.
  2. Swapping my old mattress for my sisters as she thought my old one was comfy! (I just wanted thememory foam for my back, my old one wasn't past it really).
  3. Having some tasty veggie soup.

Saturday 29th August

  1. Putting some stuff in the charity bag, slowing but surely filling this up.
  2. Hanging out with The Boy.
  3. Pizza!!!

Sunday 30th August

  1. Bottling plums for the first time.
  2. Finishing my yellow stripe on my blanket.
  3. Doing my snowman tea cosy.

Monday 31st August

  1. Watching box sets in bed.
  2. Going to see Inside Out.
  3. Finishing Snowman Teacosy!


So that was August. Sorry it has taken me until mid September nearly to get it up but hey, life gets in the way sometimes!


I really recommend doing this to anyone! If I hadn't done this, my general feelings about August wouldn't be been that it was a bit pants but actually it was pretty good! It's all about the little things.



Roll on September!


Pip pip

Charlotte x
















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