Thursday, 12 November 2015

Lists #BEDN 11



Here is a list of the lists on my phone right now.

  1. Several to do lists
  2. Specific work to do list
  3. Healthy snack ideas list
  4. The Christmas present list for others x 9
  5. The Christmas present list for yourself
  6. The books to read list
  7. Films / TV shows to watch list
  8. Places to visit list
  9. Disc world Novels list
  10. Harlan Coben books list: General
  11. Harlan Coben books list: Myron series
  12. List of good things
  13. 99 problems list (that will one day be a blog post)
  14. Project list
  15. Things for my future house list
  16. Ice cream flavours list
  17. List of TED talks to check out


I normally have a few lists on the go on scraps of paper and in notebooks too.

I like the satisfaction of crossing things off a list.

I like adding easy things onto a list so that I can make sure I can cross things off.

I tend to make goal or resolution lists about 4 times a year, and even though I always fail, I still make them and put myself through that torture because I enjoy the feeling of possibility when I make the list.


What lists to you have on the go? It can just be me with a list of lists!


Love Charlotte x


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