Sunday 5 June 2016

Trojan Women #7PlaysIn7Days

Night Seven.
They flogged that Trojan Horse. 

Night Seven! We made it to the end. But nothing could have prepared me for this. 5 out of the other 6 shows could be described as Comedy Dramas. Even Dracula had a laugh or two. But this. This was serious. This was a downer. Why on earth did they put this on for the final night? On Saturday night? I think it was because it would've put people off coming back. 

I'll apologise now, this isn't going to be very positive. I've tried but I just didn't enjoy it. 

A bizarre mix of ancient Greece and modern day refugee camps with bullet proof vests... I just don't think it was for me. Being made to watch what felt like at least 5 minutes of news footage about various terrorist attacks before the play had barely begun really put me off. I didn't understand what I had come to see and I don't really want to spend my Saturday night at the theatre being reminded that the world is a terrible place. 

The play itself lacked an interval and was a lot to take in without a breather. The choice to have cast members complete full costume changes on stage, in the dark, to wailing music was... unusual. I understand that they needed to show that a member of the general cast was now playing a specific role but why they couldn't just leave the stage and change there I just don't know. Especially since most of the time, immediately after the costume change, that character left the stage anyway! 

I believe was sat in the stalls, not that far from the front and there were several occasions where I couldn't hear what the cast were saying either because of poor projection, two many people talking at once or bad stage direction (talking into the floor is never going to work well). 
I did think Helen, frankly one of the only characters I can remember the name of, was quite good. She was strong, passionate and I could actually hear what she said for all of her scene. Winning. But this one scene couldn't save it for me. 

Closing the play with more news footage, this time including footage of a dead child was too much for me. I understand that it's real life. I understand it mirrored the death of a child in the play. I understand that I am in a privileged position to say that I would rather not see it on my Saturday night and that I will most likely never experience anything as harrowing myself. But, I still don't think it was appropriate, or at least that there should have been some sort of hint or warning of what was coming. I came expecting some sort of ancient Greek mythological thing, and that is not what I got. I'm glad I stuck it out and there were a few highlights but I wouldn't ever see it again, and to be honest I will be slightly wary should I attend the festival again, and that theatre group is performing. 

That's #7playsin7days. Just the awards ceremony to go!

Pip pip
Charlotte x

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